Monday, August 27, 2012

Friday, July 15, 2011

Victor The Robot

Wii bundle

Victor Fowler

 to sale-87she-190.
Aug 20
** Avoid: wiring money, cross-border deals, work-at-home
** Beware: cashier checks, money orders, escrow, shipping
** More Info:

Hello.. I was checking to see if you have gotten any offers for your Wii
that comes with 6 games yet.. If you haven't, I am interested in possibly
making an offer.. Thanks..

Mock Orama

 to Victor
 Aug 20
OK! OK!....that's enough...simmer down there Robo-shopper!....
bee-dee bee-dee bee-dee!!
Are you reading off of a teleprompter???
You sound like you're wearing a wire in a hotel room somewhere with a
seasoned police detective in the adjacent suite feeding lines into your earpiece.
You must be a real hoot at parties.
In fact , you should consider a career in live play-by-play broadcasting...
maybe........checkers?....maybe chess is more your speed.
Tell you what Bro-Bot, I promise to email you if the Wii is still available tonight if......................
you promise not to destroy my planet with your Silon-Raider laser arm-mounted ray blaster.......
All right then Mono-Tony, it's time for you to get back to work counting beads..... or whatever
it is you do, and I'm gonna get back to being warm-blooded and expressive.
So...what say you power down and "get your droid on" somewhere else for a few hours.


     Lovingkindness, Beauty & Infinite Blessings,
                                  Forever Your Faithful Friend,

P.S. I really loved your work in Short Circuit 1...... & 2.

Mock Orama

Victor Fowler

 to me
Aug 20
Um? I just e-mailed you asking if your Wii Bundle is still available man. I can guarantee that I
am not a robot or software program or anything. That was a very interesting reply. Uh. So is it
still available?

Mock Orama

 to Victor
 Aug 20
Hmmmmm....before any further correspondence occurs, I insist you prove your humanity with
this simple test. I want you to copy and paste the following paragraph into an e-mail reply, but
I want you to change the color of the text from black to cornflower blue. This is the only
way I can be completely sure you are not bot-bait. 

I, Victor Fowler,  am neither droid nor drone. I am a human man (and a wispy waif of a man at
that). I am a caring, thoughtful fellow who once jump-roped and hopscotched like other less effeminate human children. I have no allegiance to the sinister and dreaded 
"Automation Nation". In fact if I encountered a robot in a dark alley, I would first ask how him
and his alumi-maggot cohorts tricked my beloved Will Smith into making a movie about them...
and then I would slay said bot with not an iota of remorse, but nothing but pure glee in my
human muscly 98.6 degree blood-pumping heart. Amen.

I'll patiently await your response.

                       Drenched in the Eternal Flowers of Eden,
                                                          Mock The Majestic

Pat vs. The Man-Stump

wii package $150

 Patrick J

 to sale-87she-190.
show details Aug 19
** Avoid: wiring money, cross-border deals, work-at-home
** Beware: cashier checks, money orders, escrow, shipping
** More Info:

Saw your ad on CL for the Wii...Its a deal, if you can meat me in seattle, I'll pay cash.


 Mock Orama

 to Patrick
show details Aug 19
My Dearest Pat,
     I'm afraid, my friend, I cannot "meat" you in Seattle...Sadly, I am a cripple. :(
I am a quad-amputee as the result of a brutal sawhorse accident. 
It was the summer of '08. Life couldn't be better. The world seemed to be my oyster-Yes...I had life by the horns...when a cruel, vicious prank by some mindless carpenters...and I...always a thirst for dares. I had no idea what ill fate awaited me! I thought a sawhorse was the prarie-roaming cousin of the seahorse...who wouldn't want to straddle that rare, magnificent beast and gallop to my heart's content. As you can imagine now, that all changed as I felt the warm grip of duct tape on my nubile skin and heard the vicious ignition of sawzalls. I shant bother you with the details of the carnage, but that was the first day of my new life without limbs.
Yes...I am merely a torso...I'm not afraid to say it!...I shall shout it from the rooftops, as long as there is a service elevator and a faithful friend to wheel me out in my trick-shaw (which, if you're interested, I'll send pics of's your classic torso rickshaw much like you see 2-legged cats use on AFV (i <3 that show) but mine is solid black hills gold with opal wheels and armrests made of pure south african elephant tusk ivory! (i'm sure even you can appreciate the irony in that Pat!)
     I say all that to say't cry for me Pat...don't shed a tear....for in my suffering I have been see Pat - when life gives you lemons, make some lemonade...and then sell that lemonade for a hefty profit at a neighborhood stand or outside of your local methadone clinic...point is, my good, good is what you make of it.

     Until we meet again my best friend...remember always...
                                                      No Arms...No Legs.......No Problem!

p.s. in case you're wondering why I owned a Wii in the first place, being that I'm just a was a "get-well" present from the same zany carpenters that maimed me! :p
oh well, if you can't laugh at yourself...i forget the rest
Toodles :o

Mock Orama